Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Protest for not allowing paragraph writing in Hindi in LDCE for promotion to the cadre of P.S. Group “B” 2011 held on 29th May 2011

No. CHQ/ Exam /2011 Dated 31.05.2011

Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy
Secretary (Posts)
Dak Bhavan, N Delhi-110001

Sub: LDCE for promotion to the cadre of P.S. Group “B” 2011 held on 29th May 2011.
Ref: Directorate letter no. A-34012/1/2011-DE dated 27th May 2011.

Respected Madam,

The above examination has been conducted by the Department through outsourcing for the first time as per the revised syllabus contained in Directorate memo no. 9-59/2010-SPG dated 08.03.2011. It was not mentioned in the revised syllabus that paragraph writing will be in English and not bi-lingual (Hindi & English).

It has come to the notice of the Association that candidates were not allowed to write paragraph in Hindi by the staff of CMC Ltd. at Delhi Centre whereas staff of CMC Ltd. allowed candidates to write paragraph in Hindi at Dehradun Centre. In UP Circle, staff of CMC Ltd. allowed the candidates initially to write paragraph in Hindi and later on disallowed and instructed the candidates to write paragraph in English only.

All examinations under Central Government are conducted bi-lingual and previously all the Departmental Examinations have been conducted by the Department bi-lingually (Hindi & English). AS such it is not understood how the above irregularity has been done by the outsourcing agency. Hence it will be appropriate if evaluation in respect of Paper I is carried out for 250 marks ignoring the 50 marks allocated for paragraph writing.

 It is therefore requested to kindly intervene and arrange for issue of suitable instructions to the outsourcing agency in this regard.

We hope that an early positive action will be taken by the Department in the interest of natural justice to all the candidates.

With regards,

Yours sincerely,

(Roop Chand)
General Secretary

1 comment:

  1. There is lot of confusion in the exam held on 29-5-11 out of which one is above. The questions covered in the exam were not the standard of SP's.
    Secondly regarding Current affairs topic.
    There is no meaning to call the question as "Current affairs" . Many of the candidates were misguided/misunderstood the term "Current affairs" and many of us were not looked the issues happened in the year 2010 treating them as "Past affairs". Would anyone clarify/fight for this??????. Instead of terming it as current affairs, it may be used as affairs of past and present (may be future also) so that the aspirants Gp B officials will prepare throughly. ASP from Tamilnadu
